Hello people.Yesterday, I went out to slack.First, slacked at C******.Then, at the Park behind the library.Then, at blk 298.Then, at blk 299Lastly, at blk 280.DanishBISKUT always emo.Don't know why.I tried to 'pujok' him.But it didn't work. Then, met babyGYLER for a while. When I went home, I got beaten very badly by my parents. My Dad used a belt, 2 umbrellas, a hanger and a towel. My Mom used a belt only. Oh yea. My Dad used his knuckles too. When he beat me with a hanger, my skin tore off. I had to swear that I will not smoke or slack with Akydd, Aqilah, DANISH, Faz, Ain, Epul, Faz, Nur and Fariesha. Shit laaa... Haizz. My parents found out that I had suck Boy's toot before. My Dad is going to report to the Police because Boy forced me to suck his toot. Did I lose my virginity already? I'm confused. I'm really confused. Since the day I broke up with HIM, my life really turns like hell. I felt like running away from home. Ok. Till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites? Don't be naughty like me. yanaBELO.
HelloHello. Today, I stayed at home all day. Always being rebelious and just being in my room the whole day. I had to clean my room actually. But I want to be rebelious. Like I said. Bad girl always do that.
So here I am. Standing on a plank. Being pushed 'Pirates' and trying to get myself get EATEN by 'sharks'. Oh help me! Help me! Huh! Pathetic... Oh gosh, I'm being retarded. I think it is because I don't know what to write.
The whole day, I can't stop thinking about DanishBISKUT. Oh, I'm in LOVE with him! Danish Danish Danish Danish! It is kinda funny to see two girls sharing a guy. Well, the two girls are Faz and me. And Danish had to be in between. Why must I wait for ONE WEEK for his answer? He is just making me more nervous. I don't know why the hell Yat and Zul hate DanishBISKUT so much. Everytime I hold Danish's hands, they are so cold and soft. I can't stop hugging and cuddling him. Yesterday, we always did the POSITION. Then, I did the sounds. So damn funny. When he kissed me on the cheeks, I always melt and suddenly become so hyper-active.:] Since May, I started to have a crush on him. That time, he still doesn't know me. Ain gave me his friendster profile. When I looked at his pictures, it was okayy. But on Tuesday when I met him, my heart was pumping so fast that I can't stop myself from smiling. All my friends thought I was crazy. Haha. LOL. I hope DanishBISKUT could read my posts. I don't know if he knows my blog URL. Once again, I LOVE DANISH BISKUT!! He is mine! Haha. So greedy liaos.. But I know, nobody can stop me from loving him. Although he is not my boyfriend, he is my TTM! Btw, I don't know what the hell is TTM. Faz told me that DanishBISKUT is my TTM. I think... Gaahh!!! So confused.
So till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites? Don't be jealous of me being with Danish. You steal him, I rip your head off. JOKING! NO JOKE NO FUN!:]
HELLO!Today, was the day to pass back the report books to school.After passing back the report books, went to Sembawang and followed Amirah to change clothes.Then, went back to Yishun and waited for Aqilah, Epul and DANISH at Yishun MRT Station then at Yishun interchange with Ain, Nur and Faz.When they arrived, we slacked at blk 159 for a while for 'I don't know what and why'.After that, slacked at the carpark in front of blk 298.Faz and I were sharing boyfriend.Both of us kissed Danish on the cheeks.Both of us huggged him tightly together.Faz was in front and I was at the back of him.Both of us watched porn together with Danish.Then, Danish and I bought 2 boxes of Marlboro Menthol.He hugged me, kissed me, hold hands with me.Awww!So sweet!I love him very much!Then, when we went back there were Rohaizad, Kerohh and Amirul.I disturbed them the most.Around 5.15pm, Yat and Zul wanted to see the JR sisters.When we went down, we said hi hi then went back up again.Like wadehell...Then, Amirah and I fell out of the design.In Amirah's case, she didn't do down to meet Yat.Yat had to go up and see her.For my case, I wanted to.I wanted to clear my name on the black list.When JR brothers and KSR brothers came up to the carpark, it was so damn 'kecoh'.It's true.Thn Epool got emo because he was jealous.Aww... Don't be jealous!Now, I have been waiting for Danish's answer.I have to wait for one week.Why must it be that long?Haizzz... Nvm. It's okay.At least I get to hug, cuddle and kiss him on the cheeks!LOL.Okay. So till here.Stay pretty and handsome aites?yanaBELO.
Today, the sec 1N and 1T malay students went to Taman Warisan for an Amazing Race.So not fair. During Mother Tongue period, Tricia, Yaty, Linda, Yaty and I needed to go to the Art Room to slot in the results into the report books. We were so 'keypoh'! We looked at everyone's results. Guess what? Xu Ao got last in class. Serves him right! Nex year, he will be in Sec 2N. Let him create trouble there. But too bad Claude had to go to go Sec 2N next year... Awww... Claude, I'm gonna miss you! After that, we all went toIn school, I followed Yaty, Izyan, Atqa and Phiza to see Mr Han for the NYPSL 2008 Competition. Guess what? I get to join the competition! But we all need to go to school for the practice. After that, I had to see Mr Sim for the YLDP Camp briefing.Oh I hate Mr Sim! There were the Sec 2 students too.Recess time, I hang out with the Sec 1E malay girls. Izyan forced Lim Thong to talk to me... Haiyo!After school, Syaera and I went to Yoshun Central to eat.I ate Nasi Ayam Penyet(Flattened Chicken Rice) and Syaera ate 'I don't know what was that called'. But I only know that it is fish. Ten, Boy, Lan and Wawan came. They were there to eat too. Boy called me just for cigarettes. But I told him that I have none.Then, Haikel, Zul, Amirah, Fazira, Nur, Ain, Aqilah, Danish and I went to Sembawang near Amirah's house to slack. It was kinda boring... Danish was so cute and handsome. Haha!Okay Diyana. Stop dreaming. You will never gonna get him. He has FARIESHA already to 'layan' with. Danish, don't even care about me okayy!!!Fuuhhh!! That was relieving! Lol.Well, till here.Stay pretty and handsome aites?Take care people.yanaBELO.
Heys guys.Yesterday, the sec 1s, the sec 2TB and the sec 3T.We went to the exhibition hall.It was cool. There were a lot of schools there.Then, our school got a fight with another school.I wonder what school and who was fighting with one of us...We were there for about 2 hours.I was with the Sec 1E malay girls not with my sisters.After the exhibition, we all went to the OMNI theatre thingy.It was about the Grand Canyon. It was so boring.After about 10 mins, some of the students were already sleeping.I was listening to songs and watching movies in my iPod Touch.Oh yeah. By the way, my class had to share the same bus as the sec 3Ts.After school, Amirah, Ain, Fazira, Aqilah, Fariesha, Danish and his friends went jalan raya. We only go to three house which are Fariesha's house, Amirah's Aunt's house and Haikel's house.When we wanted to go to Haikel's house, we boarded bus 25. It was 8pm.We reached there at around 10pm. When we were in the bus, we were enjoying ourselves that we didn't even notice we've missed our stop.Then, we had to walk back to our stop.It was tiring you know!When we were on the way home, I didn't have the mood to talk to anybody.It was because of the COUPLES.Don't even bother to ask because I am not going to tell.I was like using vulgarities when I left the MRT.When I got home at 11.30pm, I got scolded by my parents.If I didn't reach home until 12.30am, my father would be calling the police by then.So this is all I gotta say.Stay pretty and handsome aites...yanaBELO.
   Today, my class and I went to Singapore Botanic Garden for Geographical trip. It was fun though. Ms Moh and the 1TA's form teacher followed us. We took a lot of pictures. I still cannot forget the time when Yaty, Phiza and I stand behind the waterfall and we were getting WET. Claude took the photo of us. Thanks Claude!
Well, that is all I gotta say. Stay pretty and handsome people!
Heyy... I'm blogging through my iPod touch now. today was the last day of Mendaki Tuition. Im gonna miss all of my Mendaki friends. Especially NAQI and HANISAH! My two sisters! Luckily, next I'm going to continue for Mendaki Tuition. We had a blast. Ms Saffia treat the 1E and 1NA pupils MacDonalds.I ordered Hotcakes with sausage. A lot of them ordered Big Breakfast. I was wondering... Why is Big Breakfast so popular? Back to the story! We played UNO, Truth Or Dare and Murderer with Ms Saffia and Ms Nadzirah. Naqi and I were like lesbians. The two teachers were disgusted by it. LOL. Next year, two of my friends, Syaera and Ain will be joining US with Mendaki Tuition. We will going to have a lot of fun!
Then, When I went home, played The Sims 2 all day. When it was around 1.30pm, my family without my sister and I went Jalan Raya with my Mum's friends. One of her friends was my primary school friend's brother. He's so cute but too bad he is so old for me.So yea. Till here.Stay pretty and handsome everybody.yanaBELO.
TODAY Today was the last day of FYE 2008. It was History and Literature. Oh gosh, so difficult. Went home and then Liyana called. She told me that her father found out that Liyana kept giving me cigarettes from her uncle. Her mother is going to bring Ain and my name to the principal. Shit. I'm in big trouble...
YESTERDAY I bought brown colour contact lens! I wanted to put it at my eye for almost one hour...=.= The same people and I slacked at 224. Zul and I got caught of smoking by the HSA. The HSA is going send a letter to my parents. Then, Aizrah's siter fainted. Ain got scolded by her mother because she slacked and didn't go home. See? Chaos again. I don't know why these days, something bad will happen.
So...Yeah. Till here. Bye. I wanna go to Johore Bahru. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
Cheers, yanaBELO.
Today was FYE English paper. For my paper 1, I wrote bout a haunted house. For paper 2, I was half asleep. The passage A was about handwriting. Passage b is about teh Internet. For the summary, there was the word 'pornographic' in the passage that needed to change. I changed it into 'uncensored'. I was half asleep that time.
After school, went to 297 to slack. But i went home first to go heavy toilet break. Then my Mum asked me to go market to buy the ingredients for A Don't Know What The Food Is Called. So troublesome...=.=
Ain, Haikel and I went to Northpoint to loiter around only. We went to Popular and Haikel bought for me 2 pens and a sketch book. Then, we went to Long John's Silver and ate the 2+1 Combo... Using Haikel's money again. Aww... So sweet of him... Hahas! Then, we slacked at blk 210 until 6.30pm.
So till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
Cheers, yanaBELO.
Today, was the usual day. Did all the stuff that I was suppose to do and slacked after school.
During recess, I waited Amirah to buy food. Then I saw Faiz. He saw me. He smiled and said hi at me. I replied back. Suddenly, mood swing! I was so sad and heartbroken. You all know why...
After school, we went to MacDonalds and again... Mood swing! I cried... You all know why... Prefer not to talk about it. Then, we went to blk 298 and slacked there. Today, the girls including myself, went back home early. I had to go home early because I had to go Causeway Point to recieve my sim card.
So till here because I have nothing to write. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
Cheers, yanaBELO.
Today, I woke up late. Around 10am. This year on first day of Hari Raya, I wore a ktraditional kebaya. It is maroon and pink in colour. Wore it with a kain batik and a scarf. The scarf was more than 20 years old. It was my mother's and she wore it when she married my dad. First, my family and I went to Tampines to my relative's house. Then, we went to SengKang to my grandmum's house. We ate lontong. I'm so sick and tired of that dish. Lastly, we went to Hougang to my cousins' house. My grandmum was there. I didn't ate anything. Only som kueh and cakes.We went home at 4.30pm because my dad had to send his taxi back to his partner.At 10.30pm, My cousins went to my house for a short while. Now, I'm blogging and they just left.So till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites?Cheers,yanaBELO.
Hello people.Yesterday, I went out to slack.First, slacked at C******.Then, at the Park behind the library.Then, at blk 298.Then, at blk 299Lastly, at blk 280.DanishBISKUT always emo.Don't know why.I tried to 'pujok' him.But it didn't work. Then, met babyGYLER for a while. When I went home, I got beaten very badly by my parents. My Dad used a belt, 2 umbrellas, a hanger and a towel. My Mom used a belt only. Oh yea. My Dad used his knuckles too. When he beat me with a hanger, my skin tore off. I had to swear that I will not smoke or slack with Akydd, Aqilah, DANISH, Faz, Ain, Epul, Faz, Nur and Fariesha. Shit laaa... Haizz. My parents found out that I had suck Boy's toot before. My Dad is going to report to the Police because Boy forced me to suck his toot. Did I lose my virginity already? I'm confused. I'm really confused. Since the day I broke up with HIM, my life really turns like hell. I felt like running away from home. Ok. Till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites? Don't be naughty like me. yanaBELO.
HelloHello. Today, I stayed at home all day. Always being rebelious and just being in my room the whole day. I had to clean my room actually. But I want to be rebelious. Like I said. Bad girl always do that.
So here I am. Standing on a plank. Being pushed 'Pirates' and trying to get myself get EATEN by 'sharks'. Oh help me! Help me! Huh! Pathetic... Oh gosh, I'm being retarded. I think it is because I don't know what to write.
The whole day, I can't stop thinking about DanishBISKUT. Oh, I'm in LOVE with him! Danish Danish Danish Danish! It is kinda funny to see two girls sharing a guy. Well, the two girls are Faz and me. And Danish had to be in between. Why must I wait for ONE WEEK for his answer? He is just making me more nervous. I don't know why the hell Yat and Zul hate DanishBISKUT so much. Everytime I hold Danish's hands, they are so cold and soft. I can't stop hugging and cuddling him. Yesterday, we always did the POSITION. Then, I did the sounds. So damn funny. When he kissed me on the cheeks, I always melt and suddenly become so hyper-active.:] Since May, I started to have a crush on him. That time, he still doesn't know me. Ain gave me his friendster profile. When I looked at his pictures, it was okayy. But on Tuesday when I met him, my heart was pumping so fast that I can't stop myself from smiling. All my friends thought I was crazy. Haha. LOL. I hope DanishBISKUT could read my posts. I don't know if he knows my blog URL. Once again, I LOVE DANISH BISKUT!! He is mine! Haha. So greedy liaos.. But I know, nobody can stop me from loving him. Although he is not my boyfriend, he is my TTM! Btw, I don't know what the hell is TTM. Faz told me that DanishBISKUT is my TTM. I think... Gaahh!!! So confused.
So till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites? Don't be jealous of me being with Danish. You steal him, I rip your head off. JOKING! NO JOKE NO FUN!:]
HELLO!Today, was the day to pass back the report books to school.After passing back the report books, went to Sembawang and followed Amirah to change clothes.Then, went back to Yishun and waited for Aqilah, Epul and DANISH at Yishun MRT Station then at Yishun interchange with Ain, Nur and Faz.When they arrived, we slacked at blk 159 for a while for 'I don't know what and why'.After that, slacked at the carpark in front of blk 298.Faz and I were sharing boyfriend.Both of us kissed Danish on the cheeks.Both of us huggged him tightly together.Faz was in front and I was at the back of him.Both of us watched porn together with Danish.Then, Danish and I bought 2 boxes of Marlboro Menthol.He hugged me, kissed me, hold hands with me.Awww!So sweet!I love him very much!Then, when we went back there were Rohaizad, Kerohh and Amirul.I disturbed them the most.Around 5.15pm, Yat and Zul wanted to see the JR sisters.When we went down, we said hi hi then went back up again.Like wadehell...Then, Amirah and I fell out of the design.In Amirah's case, she didn't do down to meet Yat.Yat had to go up and see her.For my case, I wanted to.I wanted to clear my name on the black list.When JR brothers and KSR brothers came up to the carpark, it was so damn 'kecoh'.It's true.Thn Epool got emo because he was jealous.Aww... Don't be jealous!Now, I have been waiting for Danish's answer.I have to wait for one week.Why must it be that long?Haizzz... Nvm. It's okay.At least I get to hug, cuddle and kiss him on the cheeks!LOL.Okay. So till here.Stay pretty and handsome aites?yanaBELO.
Today, the sec 1N and 1T malay students went to Taman Warisan for an Amazing Race.So not fair. During Mother Tongue period, Tricia, Yaty, Linda, Yaty and I needed to go to the Art Room to slot in the results into the report books. We were so 'keypoh'! We looked at everyone's results. Guess what? Xu Ao got last in class. Serves him right! Nex year, he will be in Sec 2N. Let him create trouble there. But too bad Claude had to go to go Sec 2N next year... Awww... Claude, I'm gonna miss you! After that, we all went toIn school, I followed Yaty, Izyan, Atqa and Phiza to see Mr Han for the NYPSL 2008 Competition. Guess what? I get to join the competition! But we all need to go to school for the practice. After that, I had to see Mr Sim for the YLDP Camp briefing.Oh I hate Mr Sim! There were the Sec 2 students too.Recess time, I hang out with the Sec 1E malay girls. Izyan forced Lim Thong to talk to me... Haiyo!After school, Syaera and I went to Yoshun Central to eat.I ate Nasi Ayam Penyet(Flattened Chicken Rice) and Syaera ate 'I don't know what was that called'. But I only know that it is fish. Ten, Boy, Lan and Wawan came. They were there to eat too. Boy called me just for cigarettes. But I told him that I have none.Then, Haikel, Zul, Amirah, Fazira, Nur, Ain, Aqilah, Danish and I went to Sembawang near Amirah's house to slack. It was kinda boring... Danish was so cute and handsome. Haha!Okay Diyana. Stop dreaming. You will never gonna get him. He has FARIESHA already to 'layan' with. Danish, don't even care about me okayy!!!Fuuhhh!! That was relieving! Lol.Well, till here.Stay pretty and handsome aites?Take care people.yanaBELO.
Heys guys.Yesterday, the sec 1s, the sec 2TB and the sec 3T.We went to the exhibition hall.It was cool. There were a lot of schools there.Then, our school got a fight with another school.I wonder what school and who was fighting with one of us...We were there for about 2 hours.I was with the Sec 1E malay girls not with my sisters.After the exhibition, we all went to the OMNI theatre thingy.It was about the Grand Canyon. It was so boring.After about 10 mins, some of the students were already sleeping.I was listening to songs and watching movies in my iPod Touch.Oh yeah. By the way, my class had to share the same bus as the sec 3Ts.After school, Amirah, Ain, Fazira, Aqilah, Fariesha, Danish and his friends went jalan raya. We only go to three house which are Fariesha's house, Amirah's Aunt's house and Haikel's house.When we wanted to go to Haikel's house, we boarded bus 25. It was 8pm.We reached there at around 10pm. When we were in the bus, we were enjoying ourselves that we didn't even notice we've missed our stop.Then, we had to walk back to our stop.It was tiring you know!When we were on the way home, I didn't have the mood to talk to anybody.It was because of the COUPLES.Don't even bother to ask because I am not going to tell.I was like using vulgarities when I left the MRT.When I got home at 11.30pm, I got scolded by my parents.If I didn't reach home until 12.30am, my father would be calling the police by then.So this is all I gotta say.Stay pretty and handsome aites...yanaBELO.
   Today, my class and I went to Singapore Botanic Garden for Geographical trip. It was fun though. Ms Moh and the 1TA's form teacher followed us. We took a lot of pictures. I still cannot forget the time when Yaty, Phiza and I stand behind the waterfall and we were getting WET. Claude took the photo of us. Thanks Claude!
Well, that is all I gotta say. Stay pretty and handsome people!
Heyy... I'm blogging through my iPod touch now. today was the last day of Mendaki Tuition. Im gonna miss all of my Mendaki friends. Especially NAQI and HANISAH! My two sisters! Luckily, next I'm going to continue for Mendaki Tuition. We had a blast. Ms Saffia treat the 1E and 1NA pupils MacDonalds.I ordered Hotcakes with sausage. A lot of them ordered Big Breakfast. I was wondering... Why is Big Breakfast so popular? Back to the story! We played UNO, Truth Or Dare and Murderer with Ms Saffia and Ms Nadzirah. Naqi and I were like lesbians. The two teachers were disgusted by it. LOL. Next year, two of my friends, Syaera and Ain will be joining US with Mendaki Tuition. We will going to have a lot of fun!
Then, When I went home, played The Sims 2 all day. When it was around 1.30pm, my family without my sister and I went Jalan Raya with my Mum's friends. One of her friends was my primary school friend's brother. He's so cute but too bad he is so old for me.So yea. Till here.Stay pretty and handsome everybody.yanaBELO.
TODAY Today was the last day of FYE 2008. It was History and Literature. Oh gosh, so difficult. Went home and then Liyana called. She told me that her father found out that Liyana kept giving me cigarettes from her uncle. Her mother is going to bring Ain and my name to the principal. Shit. I'm in big trouble...
YESTERDAY I bought brown colour contact lens! I wanted to put it at my eye for almost one hour...=.= The same people and I slacked at 224. Zul and I got caught of smoking by the HSA. The HSA is going send a letter to my parents. Then, Aizrah's siter fainted. Ain got scolded by her mother because she slacked and didn't go home. See? Chaos again. I don't know why these days, something bad will happen.
So...Yeah. Till here. Bye. I wanna go to Johore Bahru. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
Cheers, yanaBELO.
Today was FYE English paper. For my paper 1, I wrote bout a haunted house. For paper 2, I was half asleep. The passage A was about handwriting. Passage b is about teh Internet. For the summary, there was the word 'pornographic' in the passage that needed to change. I changed it into 'uncensored'. I was half asleep that time.
After school, went to 297 to slack. But i went home first to go heavy toilet break. Then my Mum asked me to go market to buy the ingredients for A Don't Know What The Food Is Called. So troublesome...=.=
Ain, Haikel and I went to Northpoint to loiter around only. We went to Popular and Haikel bought for me 2 pens and a sketch book. Then, we went to Long John's Silver and ate the 2+1 Combo... Using Haikel's money again. Aww... So sweet of him... Hahas! Then, we slacked at blk 210 until 6.30pm.
So till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
Cheers, yanaBELO.
Today, was the usual day. Did all the stuff that I was suppose to do and slacked after school.
During recess, I waited Amirah to buy food. Then I saw Faiz. He saw me. He smiled and said hi at me. I replied back. Suddenly, mood swing! I was so sad and heartbroken. You all know why...
After school, we went to MacDonalds and again... Mood swing! I cried... You all know why... Prefer not to talk about it. Then, we went to blk 298 and slacked there. Today, the girls including myself, went back home early. I had to go home early because I had to go Causeway Point to recieve my sim card.
So till here because I have nothing to write. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
Cheers, yanaBELO.
Today, I woke up late. Around 10am. This year on first day of Hari Raya, I wore a ktraditional kebaya. It is maroon and pink in colour. Wore it with a kain batik and a scarf. The scarf was more than 20 years old. It was my mother's and she wore it when she married my dad. First, my family and I went to Tampines to my relative's house. Then, we went to SengKang to my grandmum's house. We ate lontong. I'm so sick and tired of that dish. Lastly, we went to Hougang to my cousins' house. My grandmum was there. I didn't ate anything. Only som kueh and cakes.We went home at 4.30pm because my dad had to send his taxi back to his partner.At 10.30pm, My cousins went to my house for a short while. Now, I'm blogging and they just left.So till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites?Cheers,yanaBELO.
Diyana Somerhalder
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