Hey peepos.Today, had a Hari Raya mini concert. Got excused from class at 12pm. Actually, I don't have much to say because I don't know what to say. Well, I became the second emcee. Which is good. So I do not need to go through the presentation and the mini quiz. I only have to introduce the Sec 3 Express to do their catwalk . I wore my last year's kebaya. After school, slacked in school with Irza and her friend. Then went to Northpoint alone because nobody wants to follow me. Nowadays, I prefer to be alone. Well, you guys know what happened. The whole school knows. Even the teachers know. When I reached Northpoint, I saw a guy whom I met before but I don't know where I met him. He saw me and smiled. I smiled back. I think I met him during the Mendaki Camp at Dhoby Ghaut. He's from Northbrooks Sec. I really lik his smile. So innocent and sweet. Well, it's a good thing he doesn't smoke. I can tell by his face, his body language and his choice of friends. He's cute as usual.(: What if I tackle him? Hmmm... No no I can't! I don't really know him... Found out, Cotton On shop at Northpoint is small. BOOHOO! I bought a lot of stuff. Eyelash curler... Jack... Hair clips... Walked home. So till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
ANDY les femmes !
"When am I going to see you again?"
Hey peepos.I have no mood to post right now. But since I haven't post for quite a long time, Imma post now. Found out, my former god brother has a girlfriend already. )))': Broken hearted. Well, gotta live with it. Gonna make him happy. It's not my life though. He can choose whatever he wants. Nowadays, always feeling lonely. Nobody to talk to. Nobody to share my problems with. Nobody to go out with. Nobody to have fun with. Haizz...
At least my favourite cousins made my day just now. They came to raya at my house. Thanks guys.(: You are the best cousins I ever had. Well, today as per normal. Woke up at 7.30am, bathe, got cockroach in the toilet. Scared of it. 'Threatened' my parents, saying if they don't kill the cockroach in the toilet, I'm not going for Mendaki. Inside the toilet, doing my own business. Turns out, the cockroach is not dead. Luckily, I brought along the pest killer spray with me into the toilet. Killed it. Went to Northview Sec for Mendaki. On the way, found $25 cash on the ground beside blk 279. Finders keepers, losers weepers. Anwar went raya in Malaysia so he didn't came for Mendaki. Budak merepek was there. Mr Isa brought cookies that his girlfriend made. Super duper tasty.
Got home, sleep for awhile. Help my Mum with my cousins. Cousins came. Mum's relatives came. Granny's little brother came.
Been using the computer for more than 6 hours non-stop. I'm gonna spoil my eyes soon. Now, remembering the medium rare steak I ate yesterday night at Fish N Chicks at Sembawang beside Sembawang Shopping Centre. I give 4.5/5. It costs $11.90. Quite cheap. The homemade ice lemon tea is the best. Only for $1.50. While eating, watched the F1 race. Webber's car broke down.
So yeah. Till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
ANDY les femmes !
"I don't want to care about you anymore since you have a new girlfriend."
Rules: 1. Answer the questions as honestly as possible. 2. Post this as "Did That Happen To You?" 3. Tag 15 friends. 4. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing. 5. Have Fun!!!
1. What do you do if you are in the shower bathing with a beetle flying around? Spray it! Mwahaha!
2. What do you do if you hear a song you like playing on the radio when you are all alone in the room? Sing along with it loudly :DDD
3. You want to speak to your crush badly. What is your line? Hey! I think I like you!^^
4. What do you do if all your friends hate a particular band that you love? I don't give a damn.
5. What do you do when you trip and fall in front of many people? Act as if it's normal.
6. You forgot to do your multiple-choice question homework and your class starts in 5 minutes. What do you do? Ask someone for 'help'. :D 7. You have bad breath and someone speaks to you. How do you react? Look somewhere else when I talk?
8. You just finished gym and after a shower, you drop your underpants on the wet floor. What do you do? Squeeze and make sure I dry it using a hand dryer. If not, I'll just wear my boxers.
9. What do you do if a personality quiz says that you have a lousy personality as your result? I still don't give a damn and says that the quiz is bloody inaccurate.
10. Your friend gave you the worst gift you have ever received and asks: Do you like it? How do you react? Yeah! I do! Thanks babe/mann. I appreaciate it.
11. (Continued from question 10) What are you really thinking secretly inside? I'm just gonna keep it where no one will find it except me.
12. A hot guy/girl keeps looking at you while you are on the bus. What are you secretly thinking inside? OMG ! Don't freak out!
13. Your crush and you are eating dinner together, the food you've ordered came first, you do not want him or her to look at you while you're eating. What do you do? I'll wait for him to eat with me. Basic manners man.
14. You are alone in your house and you realized that there is a burglar. What do you do? Knock the burglar down! CHAAAARGE!!
15.What do you do when your best friend had just spoilt your favorite one and only camera with all the important photos you cherished inside? Take out the memory card inside the camera and transfer it to the computer. The camera, ask her to repay me back. OR ELSE.
16. What do you do when you receive a call from a kidnapper and your friend is in their hands? Call my friend. If he'she didn't answer, call the police.
17. What do you do if you break your friend's favorite vase but he or she didn't see it? Pretend I saw the vase on the floor already or just own up.
18.You were told to buy carrots by your mother, but you forgot it and went back home with garlic. How will you explain to your mother? I forgot. Heh.
19. What do you do when you see a cat chasing a mouse? Ignore it.
20. You missed your favorite TV show and it was the season finale. What do you do? Ask my brother to download the episode for me in hi-def(:
21. There is a crash in your schedule, one is your friend's wedding, the other is your another friend's last day of funeral. What will you do? My friends are too young to get married. I'll go to the funeral.
Hey peepos.Today, didn't go out. Daddy working. Brother working. Sister doing some business at Changi flee market. Left Granny, Mummy and I at home. Relatives from Daddy's side came. A lot of people, duds. My long time no see second cousin so HOT! Haha... He look at me like what sia... Then my relatives from my Mummy's side came. My uncle one year younger than me. Huhu^^ But so tall and cute.^^ Now waiting for my god cousin to come. Unfortunately, the brother cannot come. Because he's working. With my brother. At Seoul Garden Marina Square. SABTU!!! WHY YOU NEVER COME!!! I'm secretly having a crush on him...^^ Good thing he's Sec 4. Or else, too old for me.
Okay so now they have arrived. Nurul looked different. More chubbier. Lol...
So till here then. Tomorrow have Maths Class Test 4. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
ANDY les femmes !
"Are we still together, Rahim?" Labels: Family, Hari Raya, School
 Hey peepos. Today is 200909. You know what's that? It's Hari Raya! I wore red with my Mum. Old baju kurung... My Mum's one also. Oh ya! I wear blue contacts! :DDD My Mum bought it for me like 4 months ago? I know. That's long. Went out at 12 noon. Go to Granny @ Sengkang. We were the first one to arrive there. Ate Lontong. As usual. At 2pm, went home because my other Granny raya at my house. When we reach home, the Hougang people were downstairs already. So we went up and watched X-men Origins: Wolverine for a while. When they go home already, I sleep till around 7.30pm. Woke up, play computer. The Toa Payoh people just went home with their relatives from London. So till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites? SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI! MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN! ANDY les femmes !
Hey peepos!Yesterday, went to Singapore Flyer for an amazing race with the international students.Well, DEFINITELY I;m not an international student.I'm the buddy of Jessica, that Indo girl.Nadirah was the buddy too.There's this one shop, Nankai.It's a shop that sells crocodile-skinned and snake-skinned handbags.There's a policy there.ONCE YOU STEP IN THE SHOP, YOU HAVE TO BUY SOMETHING!I was like, whoa!I mean it's crazy man. There isn't any sign that says the policy.What? If you don't want to buy anything, you can't get out?That's ridiculous!When boarding the capsule, there's this one man said, "Hurry! Go inside!"I quickly rushed in because the capsule doesn't stop.Actually, we can take our time because the capsule will pass by the platform in EXACTLY 1 minute.The ride was 30 minutes.When we reach to the top, we could see the IR, Downtown Orchard (Business District), Marina Barrage, the F1 track , Orchard Road, the golf course and lots more.I won the bonus question^^Nyaha!Went through the souvenir shop.The tour guide told us to keep the ticket because it is sold as a souvenir at $3.Just for a souvenir ticket!After that, I took a picture with a Ferrari(:A red one(:Which is for F1 Rocks(:Haha!Everywhere carrying our bags is so tiring. =.=So till here!Stay pretty and handsome aites?Peace out(:ANDY les femmes !
  Hey peepos. As you ccan see above, I went out today. I need to effing go to school at 8.15am just to attend a course until 5.30pm. Today I went to school for the Civil Defence Basic Course thingy. Before that, met Russell, Wei Jie and Daryl at Mac first. Omg. People thought that I'm not fasting. Well, who cares? Like what the hell, man. Then, handed in my Literature poem to Mr Han. Ms Moh put it on Mr Han's table, actually. List of names who went for the course: Diyana (ME!) Azirah Fariesha Ain Hairil Solihin Russell Han Xiang Thivan Wei Jie Kenneth Daryl Eric So there were thirteen of us who went for the course. We had to take the course to earn a badge in order to get promoted to Corporal. There were OPSS, NBS, ADSS, AISS and lastly, NSS. We had to know the 5 modules by the end of the day for the theory test. 5 Modules: 1. First Aid 2. One Man CPR 3. Fire Safety and Casualty Evacuation 4. Emergency Procedures 5. Unconventional Threats 15 MCOs which we can only get 3 incorrect answers. 4 or more? BAM! FAIL! During lunch break, the Muslim students had their break in the theaterette and talk cock with one of the Sir because we were fasting, while the Chinese and Indians had it outside where they get free food. Almost all the sirs are Malays. I only spotted one Chinese sir and no Indian sir. Oh ya! I saw my ATC friends from OPSS. Kai Siang!! Cute boy^^ We did some practical. CPR and put out a fire using fire extinguisher. After we did the test in the multi-purpose hall, we went to the parade square at the first floor for the fire extinguisher thingy. We had to line up in twos while going down and I was right at the front. Then, a group of the Malay fire fighters (more like NS guys) all stare at me and teased, "America's Next Top Model keperh?" Translation: "America's Next Top Model or what?" I was like... WTF! Nahh... I wasn't attracted to any of them. I think they were not fasting. When we did the fire extinguisher practical, they kept busy bodying! After the course, we thanked the sirs and left. When we were walking at the gate, Malay civil defence guys at the security post at the gatr stared at me and kept calling me "Adik" which means little sis. I felt awkward so I just continue walking and when I got outside, I kept turning back and they were still staring at me! OMG! Hahahaha. Don't SS, Diyana! When our bus came, I got in and sat opp at the seat just opposite the gate. I kept smiling and smiling all the way and when I turned to the window (still smiling), there was a fire engine coming in and I saw the driver. He was Malay and super HOT^^ He smiled at me back and I blushed. Haha! So yeah. That's all for today. Btw, I got 3 meals of free food since those are extras. Stay pretty and handsome aites? ANDY ! "2300260809 - 2025060909, bhy."Labels: Diyana, Friend, npcc, NSS
Hey peepos.Today, had a Hari Raya mini concert. Got excused from class at 12pm. Actually, I don't have much to say because I don't know what to say. Well, I became the second emcee. Which is good. So I do not need to go through the presentation and the mini quiz. I only have to introduce the Sec 3 Express to do their catwalk . I wore my last year's kebaya. After school, slacked in school with Irza and her friend. Then went to Northpoint alone because nobody wants to follow me. Nowadays, I prefer to be alone. Well, you guys know what happened. The whole school knows. Even the teachers know. When I reached Northpoint, I saw a guy whom I met before but I don't know where I met him. He saw me and smiled. I smiled back. I think I met him during the Mendaki Camp at Dhoby Ghaut. He's from Northbrooks Sec. I really lik his smile. So innocent and sweet. Well, it's a good thing he doesn't smoke. I can tell by his face, his body language and his choice of friends. He's cute as usual.(: What if I tackle him? Hmmm... No no I can't! I don't really know him... Found out, Cotton On shop at Northpoint is small. BOOHOO! I bought a lot of stuff. Eyelash curler... Jack... Hair clips... Walked home. So till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
ANDY les femmes !
"When am I going to see you again?"
Hey peepos.I have no mood to post right now. But since I haven't post for quite a long time, Imma post now. Found out, my former god brother has a girlfriend already. )))': Broken hearted. Well, gotta live with it. Gonna make him happy. It's not my life though. He can choose whatever he wants. Nowadays, always feeling lonely. Nobody to talk to. Nobody to share my problems with. Nobody to go out with. Nobody to have fun with. Haizz...
At least my favourite cousins made my day just now. They came to raya at my house. Thanks guys.(: You are the best cousins I ever had. Well, today as per normal. Woke up at 7.30am, bathe, got cockroach in the toilet. Scared of it. 'Threatened' my parents, saying if they don't kill the cockroach in the toilet, I'm not going for Mendaki. Inside the toilet, doing my own business. Turns out, the cockroach is not dead. Luckily, I brought along the pest killer spray with me into the toilet. Killed it. Went to Northview Sec for Mendaki. On the way, found $25 cash on the ground beside blk 279. Finders keepers, losers weepers. Anwar went raya in Malaysia so he didn't came for Mendaki. Budak merepek was there. Mr Isa brought cookies that his girlfriend made. Super duper tasty.
Got home, sleep for awhile. Help my Mum with my cousins. Cousins came. Mum's relatives came. Granny's little brother came.
Been using the computer for more than 6 hours non-stop. I'm gonna spoil my eyes soon. Now, remembering the medium rare steak I ate yesterday night at Fish N Chicks at Sembawang beside Sembawang Shopping Centre. I give 4.5/5. It costs $11.90. Quite cheap. The homemade ice lemon tea is the best. Only for $1.50. While eating, watched the F1 race. Webber's car broke down.
So yeah. Till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
ANDY les femmes !
"I don't want to care about you anymore since you have a new girlfriend."
Rules: 1. Answer the questions as honestly as possible. 2. Post this as "Did That Happen To You?" 3. Tag 15 friends. 4. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing. 5. Have Fun!!!
1. What do you do if you are in the shower bathing with a beetle flying around? Spray it! Mwahaha!
2. What do you do if you hear a song you like playing on the radio when you are all alone in the room? Sing along with it loudly :DDD
3. You want to speak to your crush badly. What is your line? Hey! I think I like you!^^
4. What do you do if all your friends hate a particular band that you love? I don't give a damn.
5. What do you do when you trip and fall in front of many people? Act as if it's normal.
6. You forgot to do your multiple-choice question homework and your class starts in 5 minutes. What do you do? Ask someone for 'help'. :D 7. You have bad breath and someone speaks to you. How do you react? Look somewhere else when I talk?
8. You just finished gym and after a shower, you drop your underpants on the wet floor. What do you do? Squeeze and make sure I dry it using a hand dryer. If not, I'll just wear my boxers.
9. What do you do if a personality quiz says that you have a lousy personality as your result? I still don't give a damn and says that the quiz is bloody inaccurate.
10. Your friend gave you the worst gift you have ever received and asks: Do you like it? How do you react? Yeah! I do! Thanks babe/mann. I appreaciate it.
11. (Continued from question 10) What are you really thinking secretly inside? I'm just gonna keep it where no one will find it except me.
12. A hot guy/girl keeps looking at you while you are on the bus. What are you secretly thinking inside? OMG ! Don't freak out!
13. Your crush and you are eating dinner together, the food you've ordered came first, you do not want him or her to look at you while you're eating. What do you do? I'll wait for him to eat with me. Basic manners man.
14. You are alone in your house and you realized that there is a burglar. What do you do? Knock the burglar down! CHAAAARGE!!
15.What do you do when your best friend had just spoilt your favorite one and only camera with all the important photos you cherished inside? Take out the memory card inside the camera and transfer it to the computer. The camera, ask her to repay me back. OR ELSE.
16. What do you do when you receive a call from a kidnapper and your friend is in their hands? Call my friend. If he'she didn't answer, call the police.
17. What do you do if you break your friend's favorite vase but he or she didn't see it? Pretend I saw the vase on the floor already or just own up.
18.You were told to buy carrots by your mother, but you forgot it and went back home with garlic. How will you explain to your mother? I forgot. Heh.
19. What do you do when you see a cat chasing a mouse? Ignore it.
20. You missed your favorite TV show and it was the season finale. What do you do? Ask my brother to download the episode for me in hi-def(:
21. There is a crash in your schedule, one is your friend's wedding, the other is your another friend's last day of funeral. What will you do? My friends are too young to get married. I'll go to the funeral.
Hey peepos.Today, didn't go out. Daddy working. Brother working. Sister doing some business at Changi flee market. Left Granny, Mummy and I at home. Relatives from Daddy's side came. A lot of people, duds. My long time no see second cousin so HOT! Haha... He look at me like what sia... Then my relatives from my Mummy's side came. My uncle one year younger than me. Huhu^^ But so tall and cute.^^ Now waiting for my god cousin to come. Unfortunately, the brother cannot come. Because he's working. With my brother. At Seoul Garden Marina Square. SABTU!!! WHY YOU NEVER COME!!! I'm secretly having a crush on him...^^ Good thing he's Sec 4. Or else, too old for me.
Okay so now they have arrived. Nurul looked different. More chubbier. Lol...
So till here then. Tomorrow have Maths Class Test 4. Stay pretty and handsome aites?
ANDY les femmes !
"Are we still together, Rahim?" Labels: Family, Hari Raya, School
 Hey peepos. Today is 200909. You know what's that? It's Hari Raya! I wore red with my Mum. Old baju kurung... My Mum's one also. Oh ya! I wear blue contacts! :DDD My Mum bought it for me like 4 months ago? I know. That's long. Went out at 12 noon. Go to Granny @ Sengkang. We were the first one to arrive there. Ate Lontong. As usual. At 2pm, went home because my other Granny raya at my house. When we reach home, the Hougang people were downstairs already. So we went up and watched X-men Origins: Wolverine for a while. When they go home already, I sleep till around 7.30pm. Woke up, play computer. The Toa Payoh people just went home with their relatives from London. So till here. Stay pretty and handsome aites? SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI! MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN! ANDY les femmes !
Hey peepos!Yesterday, went to Singapore Flyer for an amazing race with the international students.Well, DEFINITELY I;m not an international student.I'm the buddy of Jessica, that Indo girl.Nadirah was the buddy too.There's this one shop, Nankai.It's a shop that sells crocodile-skinned and snake-skinned handbags.There's a policy there.ONCE YOU STEP IN THE SHOP, YOU HAVE TO BUY SOMETHING!I was like, whoa!I mean it's crazy man. There isn't any sign that says the policy.What? If you don't want to buy anything, you can't get out?That's ridiculous!When boarding the capsule, there's this one man said, "Hurry! Go inside!"I quickly rushed in because the capsule doesn't stop.Actually, we can take our time because the capsule will pass by the platform in EXACTLY 1 minute.The ride was 30 minutes.When we reach to the top, we could see the IR, Downtown Orchard (Business District), Marina Barrage, the F1 track , Orchard Road, the golf course and lots more.I won the bonus question^^Nyaha!Went through the souvenir shop.The tour guide told us to keep the ticket because it is sold as a souvenir at $3.Just for a souvenir ticket!After that, I took a picture with a Ferrari(:A red one(:Which is for F1 Rocks(:Haha!Everywhere carrying our bags is so tiring. =.=So till here!Stay pretty and handsome aites?Peace out(:ANDY les femmes !
  Hey peepos. As you ccan see above, I went out today. I need to effing go to school at 8.15am just to attend a course until 5.30pm. Today I went to school for the Civil Defence Basic Course thingy. Before that, met Russell, Wei Jie and Daryl at Mac first. Omg. People thought that I'm not fasting. Well, who cares? Like what the hell, man. Then, handed in my Literature poem to Mr Han. Ms Moh put it on Mr Han's table, actually. List of names who went for the course: Diyana (ME!) Azirah Fariesha Ain Hairil Solihin Russell Han Xiang Thivan Wei Jie Kenneth Daryl Eric So there were thirteen of us who went for the course. We had to take the course to earn a badge in order to get promoted to Corporal. There were OPSS, NBS, ADSS, AISS and lastly, NSS. We had to know the 5 modules by the end of the day for the theory test. 5 Modules: 1. First Aid 2. One Man CPR 3. Fire Safety and Casualty Evacuation 4. Emergency Procedures 5. Unconventional Threats 15 MCOs which we can only get 3 incorrect answers. 4 or more? BAM! FAIL! During lunch break, the Muslim students had their break in the theaterette and talk cock with one of the Sir because we were fasting, while the Chinese and Indians had it outside where they get free food. Almost all the sirs are Malays. I only spotted one Chinese sir and no Indian sir. Oh ya! I saw my ATC friends from OPSS. Kai Siang!! Cute boy^^ We did some practical. CPR and put out a fire using fire extinguisher. After we did the test in the multi-purpose hall, we went to the parade square at the first floor for the fire extinguisher thingy. We had to line up in twos while going down and I was right at the front. Then, a group of the Malay fire fighters (more like NS guys) all stare at me and teased, "America's Next Top Model keperh?" Translation: "America's Next Top Model or what?" I was like... WTF! Nahh... I wasn't attracted to any of them. I think they were not fasting. When we did the fire extinguisher practical, they kept busy bodying! After the course, we thanked the sirs and left. When we were walking at the gate, Malay civil defence guys at the security post at the gatr stared at me and kept calling me "Adik" which means little sis. I felt awkward so I just continue walking and when I got outside, I kept turning back and they were still staring at me! OMG! Hahahaha. Don't SS, Diyana! When our bus came, I got in and sat opp at the seat just opposite the gate. I kept smiling and smiling all the way and when I turned to the window (still smiling), there was a fire engine coming in and I saw the driver. He was Malay and super HOT^^ He smiled at me back and I blushed. Haha! So yeah. That's all for today. Btw, I got 3 meals of free food since those are extras. Stay pretty and handsome aites? ANDY ! "2300260809 - 2025060909, bhy."Labels: Diyana, Friend, npcc, NSS
Diyana Somerhalder
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Established since: 08 May 2008
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Done by: Victoria