Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Posted by: Mrs. Somerhalder
Time: 10:07 pm
Comments: 0
Bad Day
Hey peepos.
Today, as you know as stated, was a bad day.
Woke up, did the e-learning shit.
Then, at 3.15pm, meet Syerah.
At 4pm, meet Hirman.
He looked TOTALLY different.
Then he want to step mat rep.
I know la you from TJR.
But still, don't walk Sat Sat uwh!
Then very sensitive.
I still prefer you wearing specs.
Then, Shaheed said fcuk you to me.
You know I have short-term memory loss. Do you?
If you don't like my attitude, live with it.
I don't know what to do or what to say.
I'm speechless.
I acted like that just now on the phone because I do not want to lose my temper.
Then you say, you don't like my attitude.
Then what do you want me to do?
What am I supposed to do?
Then you talk to me like that.
How am I going to respect you if you don't talk nicely to me?
Why when you and Hirman don't like each other, you want Syerah to stay away from Hirman?
Syerah doesn't even like Hirman.
She hates him.
I asked her to follow me go meet him. For a while.
We met him for about 30 minutes only.
If you still don't agree with me, then I'm just going to surrender.
So till here.


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Diyana Somerhalder

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